How the pouring of builders’ cement into a Peckham sewer saw this part of South London affected by the mother of blocked drains
Culprit: builders’ cement. Image by Apidach (via Shutterstock).
In February this year, a ‘selfish and irresponsible’ fellow didn’t take heed of the Three Ps message (Pee Poo Paper only) of the water companies. Instead of sticking to the Three Ps, the anonymous culprit poured cement into the sewers. With a few grams of builders’ cement, Peckham’s sewers were blocked that month. Hanover Park was affected by the mother of blocked drains.
How a drain spotting photographer is shaming Cornwall’s blocked drains
Whether in the street or at home, a blocked drain can be an annoyance. Image by Liz Boynton (via Shutterstock).
Choose clear drains, refrain from pouring fat down the sink, forget flushing ear buds down the toilet… ah yes, but there’s always somebody somewhere doing the opposite. Somebody who has brazenly poured fat down the sink and – in due process – it had joined several fatbergs in one of Bazelgette’s finest creations.